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What Can You Expect On My Website?

Hello guys! This is my first blog post! This is just a little test post because I’m still working very hard on my website to try to get it running. Oh man, there are so many things I want to do on this website! I want to make a podcast series, show some exclusive photo-series etc… It is going to be amazing! As of right now, TravelingTice isn’t traveling at all… I’m home in Holland for the winter (hopefully the last time in a while, because the weather is…. baaaad) and plan to return to the road in April. Until then, I’m not sitting still! It’s rather the opposite, I’m working my ass off! I get up at 4:15 AM every morning to do a paper round, just to name an example. It doesn’t pay much but during the day I want to spend my time on other things, such as this website! I’m also keeping up my YouTube-channel with interesting videos about my previous trip through 8 countries in Europe and about the preparations for the next trip!

So what can you expect here? My goal with this website is to share information that doesn’t get much attention in the videos on YouTube or on other social media. Sometimes there is a certain topic that is too long to explain in a video or I just feel like writing an article about it! Sometimes I can make a blog post AND a video about the same topic as well, both will be displayed on this website. Another big project that I want to start over the next months is a podcast-series! When I was cycling through Europe, I listened to a variety of podcasts, and I really enjoyed them! They give a different experience than a video or article, and that’s why I want to make these series. They will be going a little more in-depth in the subjects that I can just lightly touch on in a 5-20 minute video. Some examples might be: ‘fears that I had prior to my first trip’, ‘what I do to try to make money on the road’, etc…

So I hope you are as excited as I am for this website! It’s really awesome to make this website and do something else than editing videos all the time.

Here is a good video talking about my plans for 2018, as well as reflecting back on 2017, which has been a crazy year for me.

In this video, I’m talking about the 5 big wins that I had in 2017. The first one is of course the European Bike Tour, my second ever bike tour and the first real successful one. I had done a bike tour before, riding for 4 days through Holland on a recumbent bike (link to those videos:, but it wasn’t really a success and I decided to ditch the recumbent bike. The thing just didn’t work for me (I’ll post another article for that one). I almost didn’t want to go on this bike tour, but in the end I did it, and man, I’m glad I did!

The second win had to do with overcoming fears. After my first bike tour failure I was scared, very scared. I almost didn’t want to go on the big bike tour anymore because I was so scared, because I thought I was gonna end up lonely and the camping idea was suddenly something terrifying, while I thought it was gonna be the best thing of the trip for 3 years… I spent my days watching Ted Talks about how to be positive and be happy and even started meditating.. but nothing helped! The only solution was to do this trip, and so I overcame my fears and now I feel more enthusiastic, confident and assured than ever before!

The third one is about YouTube. I started YouTube already very long ago, in 2010. But those videos were very different from my current ones. They were about domino! I loved setting up domino stones and toppling them, and I was pretty good at it, I sometimes had setups of 8000 stones! But I sold all those domino stones and at my height, I had 350 subscribers, which I thought was a lot! Now I have 1094 subscribers and it’s still going up! On top of that, every time I upload a video, I get at least 7 comments all saying positive words about what I’m doing, which is a huge booster to me! If I didn’t do the vlogs, I would’ve already quit probably after a few days.

The fourth win has to do with my school. This year I graduated high school! That happened in May and I remember I was working harder than I’ve ever done for school, but with result. Now I have the freedom to do whatever I want and I’m not obliged to go back to school anymore!

The last win is about planning. See, before this trip I really didn’t know what my future would look like. There were a hundred possibilities and the plans were changing from day to day. Especially in my depressed period in June I even gave up on the idea of traveling and almost wanted to choose a study and stay home for the next years. Now I know exactly what I want. I want to travel to every single country in the world! And that might be ridiculous, but I now know it’s the thing I want to go for, a dream I’ve kind of always had, it was just hidden under a set of fears. But now those are gone, I can finally start working towards that future, and of course I’ve got more plans, so stay tuned to hear more about my dreams and aspirations!

At the end I talk about 2 more things that I’m gonna do in 2018: I’m gonna work on my shyness with vlogging in the presence of other people. That is something I’ve noticed in the vlogs, that whenever I’m with other people, I back down and don’t vlog as much anymore. I just have to remember that you guys are watching! It’s not just a camera. The other thing was about my website, where I’m busy working on making it better and better, which I’m doing right now!

So I hope you enjoyed this first blog post and MAKE 2018 THE BEST YEAR OF YOUR LIFE!!!!

My cousin with fireworks



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